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This file type follows the same structure as the PlayerModelSetup substruct of the .SSQ file type


Sets a models position, rotations, scalar values, and main animations.

offset size data
+0x00 0x4 Magic stamp, always 'GMPX'
+0x04 0x4 uint32 modelsetup_header_version: seen 0x1400, 0x1200. Any other values?
+0x08 0x4 vaguely size-related? Likely ignored[1]
+0x0C 0x8 all 0? Likely ignored[1]
+0x14 0x10 garbage? Likely ignored[1]
+0x24 0x4 uint32 numPositions
+0x28 0x4 uint32 numRotations
+0x2C 0x20*numPositions ModelPosition[numPositions]
(varies) 0x20*numRotations ModelRotation[numRotations]
(varies) 0x4 uint32 numAnims
(varies) 0x30*numAnims ModelAnim[numAnims], Only read if numAnims >= 2

Afterwards, the following values are read only if modelsetup_header_version >= 0x1100:

offset size data
(varies) 0x4 uint32 numScalars
(varies) 0x20*numScalars ModelScalar[numScalars], only read if numScalars >= 2
(varies) 0x40 a single 0x40-byte entry


Model position in 3D space

offset size data
0x00 0x4 float32, frame index on global timeline
0x04 0x4 float32, number of frames before the next position value, reciprocated
0x08 0x4 float32, X-coordinate
0x0C 0x4 float32, Y-coordinate
0x00 0x4 float32, Z-coordinate
0x04 0x4 uint32, interpolation between positions - 1 if true
0x08 0x4 uint32, frame index * 160
0x0C 0x4 uint32, unknown


Model rotation along the XYZ axes [2]

offset size data
0x00 0x04 float32, frame index on global timeline
0x04 0x04 float32, number of frames before the next position value, reciprocated
0x08 0x10 float32, quaternion of rotation (XYZW)
0x18 0x04 uint32, interpolation between rotations - 1 if true
0x1C 0x04 uint32, frame index * 160


Handles applying model animations

offset size data
+0x00 0x4 float32, frame index on global timeline
+0x04 0x4 float32, number of frames before the next animation, reciprocated
+0x08 0x4 uint32, index of the appropriate animation (found in .XGM)
+0x0C 0x4 uint32, 0 or 1, force starting the animation from this node's frame
+0x10 0x4 uint32, determines whether to render the model, 0 if true
+0x14 0x4 uint32, animate the model based on the game's current state (only useful with model types 1 - 3 & 5 - 8)
+0x18 0x4 uint32, loop animation
+0x1C 0x4 uint32, untested
+0x20 0x4 uint32, untested
+0x24 0x4 uint32, produce a drop shadow
+0x28 0x4 uint32, unknown, possibly ignored - sometimes matches the next value
+0x2C 0x4 uint32, frame index * 160


Model scaling in 3D space, rarely used

offset size data
0x00 0x4 float32, frame index on global timeline
0x04 0x4 float32, number of frames before the next scalar, reciprocated
0x08 0x4 float32, X-scalar
0x0C 0x4 float32, Y-scalar
0x00 0x4 float32, Z-scalar
0x04 0x4 uint32, unknown
0x08 0x4 uint32, interpolation between scalars - 1 if true
0x0C 0x4 uint32, unknown


Ties the model to player controlled events

These are only read if modelsetup_header_version >= 0x1300:

offset size data
+0x00 0x4 uint32 num_controllables
+0x04 0x30*num_controllables Controllable[num_controllables]
(varies) (varies) Connections[num_controllables]
(varies) 0x4*num_controllable int32[num_controllable], event sequence end points, Controllable indices


Contains controller/event/button flags + analog stick angles

offset size data
0x00 0x4 float32, minimum angle in radians
0x04 0x4 float32, maximum angle in radians
0x08 0x4 uint32, a descriptor of sorts - aligns with strum animations (1 - 3) and guarding (1 - 4)
0x0C 0x4 uint32, event flag
0x10 0x4 uint32, index of animation to use
0x14 0x4 uint32, length of time (in frames) to hold the last frame of animation for
0x18 0x4 uint32, 0 or 1, playback direction: 1 - normal; 0 - reverse
0x1C 0x4 uint32, 0 or 1, controls whether the animation can be interrupted mid-playback
0x20 0x4 uint32, unknown
0x24 0x4 uint32, 0 or 1, controls whether to choose a connected event by random
0x28 0x8 [unused] junk for padding


Provides each respective controllable with a list of events to poll for.

offset size data
0x00 0x4 uint32 num_connections
0x04 0x4*num uint32[num_connections], indices to corresponding Controllables
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Many of these values were tested by loading Stage 1 (US PS2 version) and seeing if the game uses these values after reading them from the file (it didn't, but who knows if other stages do).
  2. Orientation of the axes for rotation may vary from most graphics programs (i.e Blender).