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The .XGM file format is used in Gitaroo Man to store .IMX textures and .XG models. It also defines the models' animations, grouping their keyframes into separate animations.

Data types used in this document (all little-endian):

  • uint32: unsigned 4-byte integer
  • float32: 4-byte floating-point decimal
  • char[num]: null-terminated ascii string, of length num


offset size data
+0x00 0x4 uint32: number of texture entries
+0x04 0x4 uint32: number of model entries
+0x08 (varies) texture entries
(varies) (varies) model entries

Texture entry

offset size data
+0x00 0x100 [UNUSED] char[0x100]: texture's original path + filename
+0x100 0x10 char[0x10]: texture's filename
This is how the game looks up textures for models, sprites, interface, etc.
+0x110 0x4 [UNUSED] uint32: index (0 for first texture, 1 for second, etc.)
+0x114 0x4 uint32: texture file's size
+0x118 0x4 [UNUSED] uint32: the sum of all textures' file sizes so far, not including the current one
+0x11C 0x4 [UNUSED] uint32: unknown, 0 or 1

In practice, this value tends to be 1 for textures that are used for non-model purposes (e.g. HUD/interface, sprites, shadow, ST02 sky background). However, a texture can be used as both a sprite and a model texture at the same time, and this value won't tell you anything about the latter.

+0x120 0x4 [UNUSED] uint32: unknown, 0 or 1
+0x124 0xC [UNUSED] garbage
+0x130 (varies) texture file's contents (.IMX file)

Model entry

offset size data
+0x00 0x100 [UNUSED] char[0x100]: path and filename
+0x100 0x10 char[0x10]: model's filename
This is how the game looks up which models to use.
+0x110 0x4 [UNUSED] uint32: index (0 for first model, 1 for second, etc.)
+0x114 0x4 uint32: model's file size
+0x118 0x4 uint32 num_anims: number of animation entries.
(Even models without animations get 1 animation entry; not sure if that's an actual requirement.)
+0x11C 0x4 [UNUSED] always 0?
+0x120 0x20*num_anims animation entries
(varies) (varies) model (.XG file)

Animation Entry

The animation entries take the model's one long animation and divide it into individual animations. Each animation entry represents an individual animation.

offset size data
+0x00 0x4

float32 playback_length: length of the animation in playback frames.
("Playback frames" include both keyframes + interpolated in-between frames. 30 playback frames = 1 second of animation, assuming speed_mode==1)

It is possible for playback_length to be longer than the keyframes provided by the XG model (e.g. BGK1_FUSUMA.XG). In this case, the animation reaches the end of its keyframes, then freezes in place on the last frame of the animation until it reaches the end of playback_length.

+0x04 0x4 float32 keyframe_interval: number of playback frames from each keyframe to the next one.
For example, if keyframe_interval==4, it is 4 playback frames until the next keyframe. That is, after playing a keyframe, it will play 3 interpolated frames and then 1 keyframe.
+0x08 0x4 [UNUSED] float32: always 60.0
+0x0C 0x4 float32 start_keyframe: the index of the keyframe this animation starts on.
(Starts from zero. For example, if start_keyframe==0, this animation starts on the first keyframe in the XG file)
+0x10 0x4 uint32 speed_mode:
  • 0: playback speed is linked to tempo - 4 keyframes per beat (tempo comes from ALBUMDEF.TXT)
  • 1: normal playback speed of 30 playback frames per second
+0x14 0x4 [UNUSED] always 0?
+0x18 0x4 [UNUSED] always 0?
+0x1C 0x4 [UNUSED] always 0?