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ALBUMDEF.TXT is a plain-text file used in Gitaroo Man. This file, located at the root of the disc, controls the flow of execution between the game's various modules.

Syntax of an ALBUMDEF.TXT entry

ALBUMDEF.TXT contains many entries, each with its own ID number. An entry contains three parts: module call, arguments (if necessary), and one or more return value jumps. Empty lines and any lines beginning with a semicolon are ignored.

Module call:
Specifies the module to call. This part is a single line containing, in this order:

  • this entry's ID number
  • the name of the module to call


Specifies arguments to be passed to the module above. If the module requires no arguments, then this part can be omitted. Otherwise, this part is a single line containing, in this order:

  • this entry's ID number
  • number of arguments to read (if it's too low, arguments at the end won't get read)
  • any arguments to be passed to the module

Example: PAGE_ARG 02 5 -m /PROJECTS/MOOVS/US/OP.PSS -v 26541 -x

Return value jumps:
Specifies where to go next when the module above is done executing. This part consists of one or more lines. Each line contains, in this order:

  • this entry's ID number
  • the return value to watch for
  • the entry to jump to, if the module above returns the specified return value

Example: PAGE_RET 02 0 03

Examples entries

Example 1:

; Opening MooV
PAGE_ARG 02 5 -m /PROJECTS/MOOVS/US/OP.PSS -v 26541 -x
PAGE_RET 02 0 03

In Example 1, entry 02 is declared. The entry calls MODULE_TYPE_MOVIE with 5 arguments, -m /PROJECTS/MOOVS/US/OP.PSS -v 26541 -x (see MODULE_TYPE_MOVIE for descriptions of what these arguments do). Afterwards, if the module returns a value of 0, the game will then jump to entry 03 (assuming such an entry exists elsewhere in ALBUMDEF.TXT).

Example 2:

; Title Start
PAGE_RET 03 0 02
PAGE_RET 03 1 04

In Example 2, entry 03 is declared. The entry calls MODULE_TYPE_TITLE with no arguments. Afterwards, if the module returns a value of 0, the game will jump back to entry 02. Or, if the module returns a value of 1, the game will instead jump to entry 04.

List of Modules

The game contains 18 modules, not all of which are usable. Modules are listed here in the same order the game's executable lists them. (Note that not all of these modules and arguments have been tested.)


Displays the Title screen.


  • (none)

Return values:

  • 0 - returned when no buttons have been pressed for a certain amount of time
  • 1 - returned when player hits Start button


Module has been disabled-- probably left over from Gitaroo Man Wan.


Module has been disabled-- probably left over from Gitaroo Man Wan. (The graphics for this menu are still on the disc, contained in /PROJECTS/STDATA/US/MENU/MENU.XGM)


Displays the main, theater, and stage select menus.


  • -t [n]: n = menu type to display
    • 0 - "tital menu" (doesn't actually work, just kicks you out without showing any menu)
    • 1 - Main Menu
    • 2 - Single Play stage select
    • 3 - Master's Play stage select
    • 5 - Theater
  • -c [n]: Module help text claims n sets "default cursor position," but it doesn't seem to do anything. n is usually set to 0 in ALBUMDEF.TXT

Fake arguments (module never checks for these)

  • -q [XGMfile]: Appears in ALBUMDEF.TXT with the same XGM file as used by the tutorial module.

Return values from Main Menu:

  • 0 - probably unused, i.e. this module can't actually return 0. (Despite this, ALBUMDEF.TXT is set to go back to the title screen when this module returns 0.)
  • 1 - returned when player chooses Single Play
  • 2 - Master's Play
  • 3 - VS Play
  • 4 - Theater
  • 5 - Collection
  • 6 - Options

Return values from Single Play stage select:

  • 0 - returned when player hits Triangle button to exit menu
  • 10 - returned when player chooses Stage 01 Easy
  • 11 - Stage 01 Normal
  • 20 - Stage 02 Easy
  • 21 - Stage 02 Normal
  • 30 - Stage 03 Easy
  • 31 - Stage 03 Normal
  • 40 - Stage 04 Easy
  • 41 - Stage 04 Normal
  • 50 - Stage 05 Easy
  • 51 - Stage 05 Normal
  • 60 - Stage 06 Easy
  • 61 - Stage 06 Normal
  • 70 - Stage 07 Easy
  • 71 - Stage 07 Normal
  • 80 - Stage 08 Easy
  • 81 - Stage 08 Normal
  • 90 - Stage 09 Easy
  • 91 - Stage 09 Normal
  • 100 - Stage 10 Easy
  • 101 - Stage 10 Normal
  • 110 - Tutorial Easy
  • 111 - Tutorial Normal

Return values from Master's Play stage select:

  • 0 - returned when player hits Triangle button to exit menu
  • 1 - returned when player chooses Stage 01
  • 2 - Stage 02
  • 3 - Stage 03
  • 4 - Stage 04
  • 5 - Stage 05
  • 6 - Stage 06
  • 7 - Stage 07
  • 8 - Stage 08
  • 9 - Stage 09
  • 10 - Stage 10

Return values from Theater menu:

  • 0 - returned when player hits Triangle button to exit menu
  • 1 - returned when player chooses Tutorial movie
  • 2 - Stage 01 movie
  • 3 - Stage 02 movie
  • 4 - Stage 03 movie
  • 5 - Stage 04 movie
  • 6 - Stage 05 movie
  • 7 - Stage 06 movie
  • 8 - Stage 07 movie
  • 9 - Stage 08 movie
  • 10 - Stage 09 movie
  • 11 - Stage 10 movie
  • 12 - Ending Credits movie


Loads and plays a single player stage.


  • -n [n]: n = stage number
  • -s [SSQfile]: .SSQ stage description file to load for this stage
  • -m [XGMfile]: .XGM model/resource file to load for this stage
  • -c [CHCfile]: .CHC song chart file to load for this stage
  • -z [IMCfile]: .IMC audio library file to load for this stage. [But ALBUMDEF.TXT never uses this; the IMC file to use is specified within the CHC file. Current effect unknown]
  • -p: "Play immediately"
  • -t [n]: n = Tempo in beats per minute, can be a floating-point number.
  • -a [n]: "Start frame"
  • -b [n]: "End frame"
  • -k: "Show background sky tex"
  • -g: "Play game, show chart"
  • -d: "Disable actuators"
  • -w: Enable stereo phrases for players 1 and 2. By default, players 1 through 4 each get a single audio channel to themselves. With this option enabled, player 1 also gets player 3's channel, and player 2 also gets player 4's channel. (Note: the stage's CHC file must still set pan to make it stereo)
  • -r [n]: "Replay count switch"

Unlisted arguments (not mentioned in module's help text):

  • -l [n]: unknown
  • -q [XGMfile]: unknown, probably no effect. ALBUMDEF.TXT uses this with nonexistent files STLOAD01.XGM through STLOAD10.XGM corresponding to the stage number, suggesting it once determined the loading screen

Return values:

  • 1 - returned when ? (game uses this to return to Main Menu)
  • 2 - ? (game uses this to go to next stage)
  • 3 - ? (game uses this to save)
  • 4 - ? (game uses this to save)


Loads and plays the Tutorial stage.


  • -n [n]: n = stage number
  • -s [SSQfile]: .SSQ stage description file to load for this stage
  • -m [XGMfile]: .XGM model/resource file to load for this stage
  • -c [CHCfile]: .CHC song chart file to load for this stage
    • (NOTE: Actually, the Tutorial stage uses 2 CHC files-- the location of the first one is specified here, but the location of the second one is hard-coded into the executable.)
  • -z [IMCfile]: .IMC audio library file to load for this stage. [But ALBUMDEF.TXT never uses this; the IMC file to use is specified within the CHC file. Current effect unknown]
  • -p: "Play immediately"
  • -t [n]: n = Tempo in beats per minute, can be a floating-point number
  • -a [n]: "Start frame"
  • -b [n]: "End frame"
  • -k: "Show background sky tex"
  • -g: "Play game, show chart"
  • -d: "Disable actuators"
  • -w: Enable stereo phrases. Unlike other levels, the tutorial levels don't contain audio for players 3 and 4, so the effect of this option is unknown.

Unlisted arguments (not mentioned in module's help text):

  • -q [XGMfile]: XGM file to load containing the "Practice Again?" menu graphics

Return values:

  • 1 - returned when ? (ALBUMDEF uses this to go to next stage)
  • 2 - ? (ALBUMDEF uses this to go to next stage)
  • 3 - ? (ALBUMDEF uses this to save)
  • 4 - ? (ALBUMDEF uses this to save)

//what then, can't return to the main menu?


Loads and plays a multiplayer versus game.


  • -s [SSQfile]: .SSQ stage description file to load for this stage
  • -m [XGMfile]: .XGM model/resource file to load for this stage
  • -c [CHCfile]: .CHC song chart file to load for this stage
  • -t [n]: n = Tempo in beats per minute, can be a floating-point number
  • -k: "Show background sky tex"
  • -d: "Disable actuators"
  • -y [n]: n = number of players
  • -w: Enable stereo phrases for players 1 and 2. By default, players 1 through 4 each get a single audio channel to themselves. With this option enabled, player 1 also gets player 3's channel, and player 2 also gets player 4's channel. (Note: the stage's CHC file must still set pan to make it stereo)

Unlisted arguments (not mentioned in module's help text):

  • -n [n]: n = stage number
  • -q [XGMfile]: unknown, probably no effect. ALBUMDEF.TXT uses this with nonexistent files STLOAD01.XGM through STLOAD10.XGM corresponding to the stage number, suggesting it once determined the loading screen

Fake arguments? module never checks for these:

  • -1 [iconNum]: "Icon number switch"
  • -2 [iconNum]: "Icon number switch"
  • -3 [iconNum]: "Icon number switch"
  • -4 [iconNum]: "Icon number switch"

Return values:

  • 0 - returned when ? (game uses this to return to versus stage select menu)
  • 1 - ? (game uses this to return to versus stage select menu)
  • 2 - ? (game uses this to return to versus stage select menu)
  • 3 - ? (game uses this to return to versus stage select menu)


Loads and plays a .PSS movie file.


  • -m [movieFile]: movieFile = PSS PlayStation Stream file to play
  • -v [n]: n = volume
  • -x: enable player to skip the movie

Return values:

  • 0 - returned when the movie finishes playing


Shows the versus mode stage select menu.


  • -t [n]: n = menu type
    • 0 - "go Warning" (show the multi-tap screen first)
    • 1 - "go SelectBGM" (skip the multi-tap screen & go right to stage select)

Return values:

  • 0 - returned when player hits ? button to exit menu
  • 10 - Player chooses Stage 01 for 1 player
  • 11 - Stage 01 for 2 players
  • 12 - 3P
  • 13 - 4P
  • 20 - Stage 02 1P
  • 21 - 2P
  • 22 - 3P
  • 23 - 4P
  • 30 - Stage 03 1P
  • 31 - 2P
  • 32 - 3P
  • 33 - 4P
  • 40 - Stage 05 1P
  • 41 - 2P
  • 42 - 3P
  • 43 - 4P
  • 50 - Stage 07 1P
  • 51 - 2P
  • 52 - 3P
  • 53 - 4P
  • 60 - Stage 08 1P
  • 61 - 2P
  • 62 - 3P
  • 63 - 4P
  • 70 - Stage 10 1P
  • 71 - 2P


Module has been disabled-- probably left over from Gitaroo Man Wan.


Displays the character collection menu.


  • -t [n]: n = side to begin on
    • 0 - begin on side A (left)
    • 1 - begin on side B (right)

Return values:

  • 0 - returned when player hits ? button to exit menu
  • 1 - ? (game uses this to show Certificate of Completion from side A) (Enabled in U.S. version?)
  • 2 - ? (game uses this to show Certificate of Completion from side B) (Enabled in U.S. version?)


Displays save/load menus and saves or loads memory card data.

  • "Album" refers to the full version of the game (or, in the U.S. and Europe, the only version of the game).
  • "Single" refers to the Japanese demo Gitaroo Man Wan.
  • MATSU/TAKE/UME refer to the different Special Items you can get in Gitaroo Man Wan, which unlock Collection items in the final game.


  • -s [n]: Save game data, n = saved data type
    • 0 - save album data
    • 1 - save single MATSU
    • 2 - save single TAKE
    • 3 - save single UME
  • -l [n]: Load game data, n = saved data type
    • 0 - load album data
    • 1 - load single data

Unlisted arguments (not mentioned in module's help text). These do not ask for confirmation, so be careful!:

  • -c: "ReadData"
  • -f: "Format" formats your memory card (erases all data), use with caution!
  • -u: "Unformat" reverts your memory card to an unformatted state (erases all data), use with caution!
  • -w: "WriteGarbage" fills your memory card with a big file (CRAPDIR/CRAPFILE), resulting in not enough space free to write a new Gitaroo Man save file (assuming you start with an empty 8MB memory card). This allows you to test what happens when you start the game with a full memory card.

Return values from Save:

  • 0 - returned after saving is finished / after player exits menu?

Return values from Load:

  • 0 - returned when ? (game uses this to return to Options menu)
  • 1 - returned when ? (game uses this to return to Options menu)


Displays the Options menu.


  • (none)

Return values:

  • 0 - returned when ? (game uses this to return to Main Menu)
  • 1 - returned when ? (game uses this to return to Main Menu)
  • 2 - player chooses to load Album data
  • 3 - player chooses to load Single data


Module has been disabled-- probably left over from Gitaroo Man Wan.


Displays 3D models so that their appearance and animations can be tested.


  • -x [XGMfile]: .XGM model/resource file to load
  • -m [modelNameCAPS]: name of the model to load from XGMfile. Must be all caps, e.g. FLYING_O
  • -i [itfcFile]: .IMX file to use for the interface graphics (numbers indicating the animation number and such)
  • -r: "Reset animation frame on switch switch"
  • -c [web file]: .WEB Control web file to use with the model

Return values:

  • (unknown, might not be possible to exit at all)


The executable includes no help text for this module. It seems this module tries to load one or more files that don't exist on the disc, so it probably doesn't work anymore. (Update: different in the Japanese version, still no help text and can't exit)


  • (unknown/none)

Return values:

  • (unknown)


Like MODULE_TYPE_TEST, this module has no help text and tries to load one or more files that don't exist on the disc.

(Update: It shows a menu with items you can select, but since the graphics don't exist on the disc, all the items are blank white. One of the items has what seems to be some digits you can change from 0 to 9? When you choose an item, it exits the menu, presumably returning a return value depending on what item you selected.)


  • (unknown/none)

Return values:

  • (unknown)


Tests gameplay audio.


  • -c [IMCfile]: .IMC audio library file to load
  • -s [name]: name of audio to play from IMCfile
  • -0 [v p]: channel 0 volume and pan. Volume is typically 32767. Pan is 0 = completely left, 16383 = center, 32767 = completely right.
  • -1 [v p]: channel 1 volume and pan
  • -2 [v p]: channel 2 volume and pan
  • -3 [v p]: channel 3 volume and pan
  • -4 [v p]: channel 4 volume and pan
  • -5 [v p]: channel 5 volume and pan
  • -6 [v p]: channel 6 volume and pan
  • -7 [v p]: channel 7 volume and pan
  • -p: "Play immediately switch"

Return values:

  • (unknown, probably not possible to exit)

Additional Notes

If the -t tempo argument isn't specified, the game defaults to 120 beats per minute. (Tested in single-player mode)